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2020-04-18 全部文章 456


自由潜水是一项极限运动雯雅婷6视频,男人帮迅雷下载 指的是潜水者不借助任何水中供氧设备一口气潜水到底赵瑛昊。目前自由潜水的最高纪录为128米惑龙,而位于伯利兹外海的大蓝洞则是自由潜水者的天堂琴欧洲。据悉极品草根太子,自由潜水者在水下时每分钟心率需低于30次才能保证其安全李皓京 。
①composure n.镇定; 定力(Composure is the appearance or feeling of calm and the ability to control your feelings. ) E.g.She was a little nervous at first but she soon regained her composure. 她起初有点紧张但很快就恢复了镇定芦柑上火吗 。余美颜②Mecca n.众人向往的地方; 胜地(If you describe a place as a mecca or Mecca for a particular thing or activity东宫西略 , you mean that many people who are interested in it go there. ) E.g. Thailand has become the tourist mecca of Asia. 泰国已经成为亚洲旅游胜地凶煞鱼怪 。③visualize v.想像( If you visualize something方白羽 , you imagine what it is like by forming a mental picture of it. ) E.g.Susan visualized her wedding day and saw herself walking down the aisle on her father's arm.苏珊想像着自己婚礼那天宫泽有纪宁 ,挽着父亲的手臂沿着教堂过道走过来日食妖后 。
